Pink Lightning isn’t just a camp – it’s a lifestyle! We love to run – at Burning Man and year round.
You can figure out how to run 51 weeks of the year – and we’ll help you figure out how to run on the playa!
All events start and finish at Pink Lightning. In 2024, we were at 715 and D! Look for the giant pink lightning bolts and sexy runners’ calves.
What’s Pink Lightning? It’s a camp that is all about running – and those who love runners. We put on a lot of different running-related events because we’re awesome like that. Stop by to check out our cool art or hang out with fellow runners.
Here was the 2024 schedule; we will determine the 2025 schedule in June 2025.
Easy Run
Monday: 8:30 a.m.
We’ll run at all different paces in a chill easy way, and people can run 2-3 miles. You don’t need to be running the ultra to run this! We typically run the out and back, though some opt to run more. Bonus: we’ll be doing some demooping en route! Bags provided.
Afterwards, pick up your number for the 50k or stay for our pink pancake breakfast!
Pink Pancake Soulmate Mixer
Monday: 9:30
Join us for a yummy carb-loading breakfast of delicious PINK pancakes! Bring your own plate! Pick up your 50k bib AND meet your soulmate/Solemate/running partner/walking partner!
Bobbing for Raw Potatoes in Grey Water
Monday: 4pm. Or anytime Monday.
Exactly what it sounds like. ARE YOU SCARED?!
The Ultra
Tuesday: 5 a.m.
Duh, the ultra. But you knew that. 50k aka 31 miles of running fun! If you can’t run the whole thing, come out and pace. Can’t run at all? Come volunteer!
Runner’s Open Mic/Storytelling
Tuesday: 5pm
Come hear from some featured runners telling you their tales, and share your own stories. Heather will start us off with some great back-of-the-pack stories.
Wednesday: 9am
Join us for an hour of yoga. Let’s work on opening those tight hips and bringing life back into those legs after the jaunt in sand.
The Oydssey
Thursday: 9 a.m.
Strangest event on the playa. Check in at 9am. You have 24hrs to finish 6,12,18,24 of miles/beers/donuts/orgasms in any combination.
Burner Dash: The Playa Scavenger Hunt
Thursday: 9:10 a.m.
Embark on an exhilarating scavenger hunt adventure amidst the pulsating energy of Burning Man’s 24-hour running race, The Odyssey! Navigate through the surreal landscape of the Playa, where creativity knows no bounds and surprises await at every turn. Gather your team (can do solo!), chart your course, and dive into an immersive quest where the journey is as electrifying as the destination. Unleash your inner adventurer and let the odyssey begin!
It’s Just a 5k
Thursday: 9:30 a.m.
Race 5k and back! So much fun. Prizes for top placers!
Kid’s Race
Thursday: 10:30
Come run different distances, depending upon your ages, and then, make a medal afterwards! For children under 16.
Black Rock City Beer Mile
Thursday: 4pm
Bring your own (4 cans – DO NOT BRING BOTTLES!) beer and ziploc (in case you puke – this is a Leave No Trace event!). Drink a beer, run 400 meters…repeat 3 more times. All beer mile rules must be followed! There will be prizes!
The Odyssey Closing Ceremonies
Friday: 9 a.m.
Donuts and beer will not be served. Come to watch the spectacle.
Naked Mile
Saturday: 12 p.m.
Shoes optional, clothing forbidden! Bring sunblock!
Pink Lightning will have running goodness just oozing out of our camp, so join in. We’ll also have informal runs and talks and yoga and hanging out, so come on by.
Whenever running, we recommend you wear sunglasses (or goggles that are comfy to wear when running) and a bandanna (in case of dust storms!). Everything else is optional.