Pink Lightning

Pink Lightning is the camp at Burning Man that hosts the Burning Man Ultramarathon. It is a camp of runners and their friends. Looking for a camp? Here are a few of our requirements:

  1. You’re kind, you like us, and we like you!
  2. You are running the ultramarathon, or you will volunteer during the ultramarathon.
  3. You help out with build and/or breakdown.
  4. You participate in the camp in some sort of way.
  5. You take on work shifts, and pay camp dues (which are usually around $200-300).

Interested in joining? Fill out the contact us page to see if we have any space for you! Tell us a bit about yourself, why you want to camp with us, what you would contribute to the camp, why you aren’t camping with your old camp OR how you are prepping for your first burn.

We generally open up our camp to new campmates and camp planning around the general sale. Didn’t get a ticket in the general sale? Tickets always appear so still reach out to us – and if you are part of our camp, you’ll have 50ish people helping YOU find a ticket!